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I gotta do something to my blog. Just don't know what, but I'll think of something. :)
I gotta do something to my blog. Just don't know what, but I'll think of something. :)
Missing in action
8/13/2008 05:31:00 PM
All this started on Jimmy Kemmel show. Everytime at the end of the program Jimmy used to say "Sorry Matt Damon but we're out of time". And then one day on September 16, 2006 Jimmy invited Matt Damon to the studio. This is how it end.
To make matters more interesting, Jimmy send his reporter to "Ocean's Thirteen" premiere.
So finally, on January 31, 2008 Matt Damon took revenge and sang a song with Jimmy's girlfriend Sarah Silverman entitled "I'm f***g Matt Damon"
Jimmy didn't wait too long and on March 24, 2008 he showed his song "Jimmy Kemmel is f***g Ben Affleck
The war is still on :) Cheers
Missing in action
2/28/2008 09:26:00 AM
I found a very interesting report from some guy called Paul Cameron in which he states that gay people are responsible for every evil thing in the world. I know, some of you will say "Here she goes again" but I don't give a crap about it ;).
In his report he states that
- Out of all the mass-murders in the US over the past seventeen years, homosexuals killed at least 68% of the victims.
- Homosexuals perpetrate between a third and a half of all recorded child molestations.
- 37% of homosexuals engage in sado-masochism.
- 29% of homosexuals urinate on their partners.
- 17% ingest human feces.
- The average life span of a homosexual is 39 years; fewer than 2% survive to the age of 65.
If 68% = 350 so 100% = 515. It means that in the whole USA only 515 people were raped and killed! What an asshole.The pamphlet Murder, Violence and Homosexuality asserts the following "facts":
- You are 15 times more apt to be killed by a Gay than a heterosexual during a sexual murder spree.
- Homosexuals have committed most of the sexual conspiracy murders
- Homosexuals have killed at least 350 (68%) of the victims
- Half of all sex murderers are homosexuals
- Homosexuals committed 7 of the 10 worst murder sets.
These conclusions are based on a sample of 34 serial killers Cameron selected from the years 1966 to 1983. Cameron stacks the deck not only by including phony figures (he includes in his sample the claims of the notorious Henry Lucas, who subsequently recanted his boast that he murdered hundreds of people) but by examining only those serial killers with an apparent sexual motive, allowing him to include John Wayne Gacy and his victims, but exclude the overwhelming majority of serial killers and their victims. This manner of selection distorts the reality of massmurder considerably. As sociologist Jack Levin, author of Mass Murder: America's Growing Menace points out, "The typical mass murderer is a family man. He kills his wife and his children in order to get even. The typical serial killer is a white heterosexual male, like Ted Bundy...Of course there are homosexual serial killers, but they are in the minority."
Cameron's Conclusions:
As for Lesbians, they are:
Missing in action
2/27/2008 02:23:00 PM
Etykiety: misc
I know it's not nice to laugh at people but this lady is so stupid that it hurts...
Missing in action
2/10/2008 10:02:00 PM
It'a a site where you can actually do it. All legal and if you hate somebody I really recomend you that site :) It's also in Polish, Czech, French, German, Slovakian, Italinan, Spanish :D. Enjoy! Cheers
Missing in action
1/30/2008 01:54:00 PM
Another year has passed and another Oscar Ceremony is on the way. But there's one little, tiny problem... where the frak am I supposse to watch it?! TVP decided not to buy Oscars this year. Why? Because not too many people is watching this. No shit! It's shown at 3 a.m. of Polish time so what did you excpect you idiots? That the whole Poland will sit in front of TV and watch it?
Still there are some people who are willing to watch this even with this lame translation made by some crappy interpretor who has no idea about translation. I really can live with that just let me watch Oscar Night!
Gods, how I hate Polish television. A bunch of idiots how have no idea what people want. Cheers.
Missing in action
1/29/2008 09:17:00 AM
Etykiety: misc