Konie, foki, inne zwierzęta

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas!

This Christmas let us be good to everyone. Even for the Duck Twins ;).

Well, another Christmas on my blog :). I wish you all spending a good time with your families and friends, lots of presents (let's hope that Santa Clause will make it through the chimney or ventilation shaft depending if you live in a house or a flat) and green Christmas Tree that will fall its needles till February.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jeans problem

OK I know this topic is stupid but I'm pissed off. I wanted to buy a pair of jeans. And what? All the jeans I tried on ended on my ass! Just like in the picture. OK, maybe I wouldn't mind if it wasn't the middle of the winter and if I had a figure like a model. So I tried them on, I sat on a chair and I saw my buttocks. Excuse me, but do other people really have to see my ass? I don't think so.
Maybe I missed some evolution women had in the past 6 months and they got rid of hips? Cheers

Monday, December 17, 2007

25 years later

So, today I’m 25… oh Gods I’m getting older! ;). Well, still I don’t see any changes. I mean I may become more responsible….but honestly I don’t thinks so.

Good things that happened

- I fell in love, and I guess that’s the best thing that happened to me this year :-D.

- I got a job, a good job I even like (I mean, it’s not my dream job but it’s better than selling cabbage in a shop ;-]).

- I… o shoot, I don’t remember… OK, that’s a sign I’m really getting older ;-)

Well, if you remember let me know.

Bad things that happened

You don’t wanna know :-]


Sunday, December 09, 2007

Back to school

OK I'm actually after the first time in school since I left it a long time ago and I must say that it was fun. I mean c'mon, you know me, I hate school but it was OK. I even went to grammar lesson willingly, which is kinda weird in my case (and I bet I've made a mistake if it comes to coma in front of "which" and this is what we've been doing this weekend during the class :P) Anyway, I nearly passed preposition test. Nearly, because I missed two points to pass, but it wasn't that bad since I haven't learnt that before.
Then of course there was descriptive grammar, and I must admit that dr Hans is a great teacher. Why? 'Cause I understand what she's talking about and I realize that it can be fun and interesting!
The problem is I kinda forgot how to learn things to remember. I'm not talking about tasks but some things that you just have to remember. I always had problems with that but right now it's like my brain went to sleep ;). But don't worry it'll wake up... I hope...
Well, that's it, see you all at school in January! Frak yeah!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

BSG Razor on DVD

OK, I know nobody cares but me, but Battlestar Galactica: Razor is finally on DVD in the USA, which means, either I wait for the British premiere till the 26 December and buy it paying twice more for shipping it to Poland or I look for a DVDrip in the Internet, because I can't count on any of the Polish distributors to release it in this beautiful country I live in ;). Well, anyway, if I have a chance I buy it right away but right now, let me just look for the rip... Cheers.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Greatest Dad in the World

Meet Dick and his disabled son Rick Hoyt - "The Hoyt Racing Team". Amazing family, amazing people. Proves that if you only want you can break every border in your life and make your dreams come true. :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Proud to be Polish! :)

Have a good Independence Day!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Karmen the Szyszyk's savior!!!!

I save Szyszyk from the depths of the lake and he thanks me with the kiss :P

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's been a year :)

It's been a year. A wonderful year with you and I hope another will be better :). I love you, I always will. I'm glad we met because I met someone special and someone I could love. I will be with you as long as I can. I LOVE YOU.

I'm a student... again!

Yeah, back to school. To be more precise to the same school I was kicked off ;). Well, I'll try to be a good student 'cause now I'm paying for my studies :]. Some might be glad I came back and some, for sure, will not be satisfied with that :D. Well, anyway, you can expect me on 16.10.
And yeah... BE PREPARED :P Cheers.

Friday, September 14, 2007

We never landed on the Moon!!!

Here is the proof.
You always believed that we were on the Moon but I'm sorry to say that NASA fooled all of was... Cheers

Friday, August 24, 2007

Classic :)

Dedicatet to all teachers :) Cheers

Monday, August 13, 2007

My new blog

This is my new blog :). I will put there some interesting movies found on Youtube and not only. So go and watch :D Just click on Youtubemaniac (The link is also in links on this blog) Cheers

Friday, August 10, 2007

Utada Hikaru - Hikari (parody)

So, yeah, Utada is singing in Japanese. But the translation reveals what is she singing about ;]. ROLF :D


Thursday, August 09, 2007

A little about my job :)

So, yeah… I’m sitting behind my desk at work, got not much to do, reading about some ghosts towns in America and writing this post :). What I was going to write about in this post is what do I actually do at my work. Well, to start with, my tasks are:
1. Translation of texts sent to me. These are mostly e-mails but there was one time when I had to translate the whole contract, which was extremely difficult and to tell the truth I failed translating it. But to be honest I’ve no idea what was that for because the manager gave this contract to sworn interpreter and I bet he/she understood what was this contract about, because I, even after translating it into Polish, had no idea what was it about :P.
2. The second thing I do is preparing and accommodation, full board and transport for the people who are coming here for the whole week that are working on the project. Once I almost screwed up when I forgot to tell a driver that one of our guests is leaving earlier. So the great problem occurred because we didn’t have a driver. The guy from transport said that he has a car, but all drivers are out. I had to do something fast so I called my bro, told him to come here as fast as he can, we took the car and went to the airport. I was lucky, because he had to go to Poznań Ławica thankfully because if it was Berling Schonefeld I’d be in a deep sh****. We go there on time, he got his plane so the problem was solved, but I nearly got a heart attack :).
3. The third thing that I was given to do is to make sure that people who should be on workshops will be there. My task is to send an e-mail to everyone, make sure they read the invitation, and if they can show up. I’m not sure if I’m the right person but I had nothing to say. Fortunately, all the workshops star next month so I still got the time to learn how to do it :).

So this is what I do (or not). There are day I’ve got lot to do, but there are days like today, that there isn’t much to do. Of course it might change, because it’s 11:00 but right now I’m bored :P. At 12 there’s a lunch, so after the lunch time goes a bit faster :).
To tell the truth I like my job and it’s not that I don’t do much (OK that’s one of the reasons ;]) but it’s because it may give me opportunities for the future. Even if I don’t stay there longer than half a year I will be able to write into my CV that I worked in a good company.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The poll results 2

Results of the second poll:

Question: What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything?

a) 42 - 5 people
b) There is no such answer - 0
c) ???????? - 0
d) How should I know? - 0

Well, well, either I gave simple answers or we have a lot of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" fans :).

And here's the proof :P

Thx. Cheers.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

M&Ms Wedding Pics :)

I just made it 'cause I was bored :)

Monday, July 30, 2007

The poll results

So here are the results of the first poll:

The question was: How do you like my blog?
1 - 0 votes
2 - 0 votes
3 - 0 votes
4 - 0 votes
5 - 2 votes

Not many votes but hey, at least both people gave me 5 :)

Thx. Cheers

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Internet piracy

I been downloading recently a bunch of mangas (japanese comic book for those who don't know) and I been thinking if I really am making a crime? I mean, there's a bunch of sites providing you with scanlations of various mangas!!! The same is with music and movies. You have those p2p programs, torrents and so on. I actually download movie from one site and there are around 3700 movies to download! I don't download single songs but whole albums just because I can.
Let's be serious. Most of the movies are not available here in Poland. I believe I have my right to download them as I can't get them. I like originals. I buy original movies, CDs or even comic books. But sometimes the price is so high that I just can't afford it. Why should i give around 40PLN for a lousy DVD with no extras, or 70PLN for a Timbaland new album just because there's a great book inside? I realize it all costs but no wonder people download instead of buying if the prices are high.
They say that piracy is spreading but who is to blame? We, who download? Or maybe the producers of empty CDs and DVDs that gave us a chance to record what we want. Or Apple for producing the first mp3 player and therefore making downloading mp3s even more popular. It's so cool to go somewhere and be able to listen of 30GBs of music not to mention of availability to watch movies on my iPod.
Sorry to say but fighting with sites providing people with music, movies even computer programs is useless. They close one site and another five is created.
A few months ago our police did something "spectacular"! They closed the best site with movie subtitles www.napisy.org. They say they were braking the law. Wow! They caught real criminals. Kudos to the police. apparently, it gave nothing because all the translators posted their transaltion on a different site :).
Also, movie distributors make us download pirate movies from Internet. Some movies are in Poland even 10 months after world premiere e.g. “Pan’s Labirynth” the word premiere was on 2006-05-27 and the Polish was on 2007-03-30. You see what I mean?
So am I a pirate? Even if I don’t care because I don’t wanna wait don’t know how long for a movie I want to watch. Cheers.

I hate weddings

I hate weddings. Stupid music, no fun, old people, parents and so on. Everyone is having fun except me. I just hate weddings. But I been to one awesome wedding. Great band, cool music, great food and lots of fun :). I will not forget it :) Thanx Marta nad Mateusz for such a unforgetable night :). Cheers.
To see more visit M&M's Wedding Page :D

Monday, July 23, 2007

Kołobrzeg 21-07-2007

Fontanna koło rynku.

Gabinet masażu leczniczego, ale masażysta chyba pojechał na wakacje :)

Couch potato, tylko gdzie ten telewizor?


Dzyń, dzyń

Dzwoni mi w uszach :)

Hej, hej, my wikingowie, płyniemy podbijać świat.

Karmen, władczyni...yyy no właśnie w sumie to nie wiem czego :)

Latarnia morska. Słyszałam, że na latarniach nie wolno czytac "Pana Tadeusza" Mickiewicza, ale nie wiem dlaczego :P

To u góry to herb Kołobrzegu...chyba. :D

You talking to me?

Chwilka relaksu.

I znowu ja.

Zapewniamy państwa, że ta kotwica nie tonie.

My preciousssssssssss.

No to idziemy się kąpać.

I 15 minut później, po kąpieli :). Woda była lodowata.

Mój tyłek...a nie sorry, to moje kolana :).

Z wielu obrazków z aniołkami ten nam się najbardziej podobał :).

Friday, July 20, 2007

Seriale zagraniczne w naszej telewizji

Pamiętacie serial „Lost”? TVP1 puściła dwie serie i z tego co słyszałam ma po wakacjach puścić trzecią. A co z resztą seriali, które puszczało TVP?
Na przykład „4400” fajny serial, ciekawy, który doczekał się już 4 sezonów. U nas puszczono pierwszą i…cisza. TVP1 nawet nie ma w planach puszczenia drugiego sezonu. Potem byli „Heores”. Na drugą serie co prawda poczekamy bo startuje ona ponoć po wakacjach w USA, więc u nas dotrze później, o ile dotrze.
TVP2 puściło pierwszą serię „Battlestar Galactica” po czym stwierdziło, że kolejnych nie będzie bo jest małe zainteresowanie. Problem w tym, że nie było ani jednej zapowiedzi na ich kanale, a serial leciał w godzinach bardzo późnych (coś po 23:00), więc nic dziwnego, że tak mało ludzi oglądało.
Podobnie się miała sytuacja z serialem „Alias” u nas puszczanym pod jakże inteligentnym tytułem, „Agentka o Stu Twarzach”. Wszystko pięknie, ładnie, TVP1 puściła 3 serię, tylko, że trzecia zaczęła puszczać w godzinach nocnych gdzieś koło 24, czasami nawet po i znów TVP napisało, że 4 i 5 serii nie puszczą bo była mała oglądalność.
Trochę lepiej się ma sytuacja na stacjach prywatnych. Polsat jak już zakupił jakiś serial, który nie był tasiemcem to kupił go całego i puścił. Na przykład „Xena”, puścili wszystkie 5 sezonów (co prawda w 3 sezonie poprzestawiali odcinki i było trochę nie chronologicznie), tak samo z „Herkulesem”, czy „Strażnikiem Teksasu” . Jedyne co zepsuli to, to, że puszczali „Ostry Dyżur”, doszli do serii 7 i…przerwali w połowie i słuch po serialu zaginął. Na szczęście serial odkupiło TVN, jednakże moje oczekiwania okazały się zbyt wymagające. Również puścili 7 sezonów, tym razem całych i koniec. Więcej „Ostrego Dyżuru” nie ma i nie zapowiada się że będzie. Na szczęście puścili wszystkie sezony świetnego serialu „Brygada ratunkowa”.
Polsat również nie zabija kur znoszących złote jajka i kupuje kolejne sezony „24 Godziny”. Na pewno też kupi druga serie „Prison Break”. TVN zainwestowało w seriale takie jak „Sześć Stóp pod Ziemią” czy „Detektyw Monk”, w TVN Siedem pokazywany jest „Kochane Kłopoty”, który zyskał sobie niemałe grono fanów.
Zastanawia mnie tylko czy jakakolwiek stacja kupi takie seriale jak „Dexter” (o seryjnym zabójcy) czy „The L Word” (o związkach damsko damskich i nie tylko w Los Angeles). Wątpię, no chyba, że w bardzo późnych godzinach. Raczej tego drugiego nikt u nas nie zakupi, zważywszy na to, że ocenzurowano jeden skecz w „Małej Brytanii”. Czyżby myśleli, że mentalność widza nie jest na to przygotowana? Dziwne.
Tak więc patrząc na kondycję seriali zagranicznych w naszej telewizji, nie wiem czy jest sens zaczynać je oglądać skoro potem kolejnych serii i tak nie idzie się doczekać. Chwała w tym momencie Internetowi :). Tam akurat wszystko jest w ilościach nieograniczonych. Cheers

P.S. Sorry nie chciało mi sie po angielsku pisać :).

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Creepy Cartoon :]

This is the cartoon I found on YouTube. At first I thought how come it was banned but after watching I realized that I wouldn't like my nephew to watch this. He wouldn't understand English but the cartoon itself is very disturbing. It's from the show "Adventures with Mark Twain" or something like that and the cartoon was very funny and educating but this episode is just so strange. I don't know maybe creators of this episode had a really black humor the day they made this :). If I were 13 or less I'd be scaredfor sure. Well anyway, here it is. I'll try not to give any creepy stuff anymore :] Cheers

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Shadow people

I know it's probably just me, but recently I’ve been watching some ghost photos on some site, and I met a term „shadow people”. I started to read about it and I realized I met (maybe) something like that.
When I was a kid , we were playing hide and seek in the basement. It was my turn to seek, so I was there in this dark basement, the only light was coming from the stairs to the basement because we left the all doors opened. Suddenly I stopped, and look in front of me. And there it was, a huge shadow on the wall. At first I thought it’s mine but the I realized that it’s not possible because the light was from my right side so it’s natural that my shadow should be on the left side and not in front of me. I did not see its eyes because the shadow was black, I was looking at it for a few moments and I fled up the stairs. I was terrified with this encounter.
Then a few years later when I totally forgot about it, I saw it again. I don’t know if it was the same shadow or not but I saw it. I was going to my friend when I saw it on a wall. It was huge. There was no possibility for anything to create such a huge shadow because the light was very dispersed that there wasn’t even my shadow. I fled again. When I was coming back home there was nothing there on the wall.
I don’t know what it was, all I know is that was scary.
Here's the picture of the common reported shadow man. I saw the one on the right of the picture but it's eyes were not glowing. Cheers.

And here's the link if you want to read something about shadow people.



Frak, I wanted to write about something and I don’t know what to write. It’s not that I forgot, I just don’t know what I wanna write. Not good. Am I getting older? Strange. Cheers.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007



We are not alone... :]. But really, it looks like Predator's skull :P Cheers

Monday, July 02, 2007

Brum Brum

No i mamy kolejnego sportowca Polaka, nad którym wszyscy się rozwodzą jaki to on nie jest wspaniały, cudowny, niesamowity, utalentowany itp. itd. O kogo chodzi? Oczywiście o Roberta Kubicę. Tak jak rozumiem fenomen Małysza, tak nie rozumiem jego fenomenu. Formuły 1 nie lubię, nie kibicuje jej, więc szczerze nie obchodzi mnie kto tam wygrywa i czy to jest Kubica. Problem w tym, że Kubica nie wygrał jeszcze ani razu, miał jeden bardzo niebezpieczny wypadek, z którego na szczęście wyszedł bez szwanku, i jest bohaterem narodowym numer jeden.
Może to ja, ale naprawdę nie rozumiem tego fenomenu. Nagle, cała Polska lubi Formułę, chociaż szczerze to ogląda te wyścigi i usypia przy telewizorze lub włącza na parę ostatnich okrążeń. Ale co tam, Polak jeździ to trzeba oglądać. Jak zaczniemy wygrywać w bierki to pewnie też będziemy to oglądać bo przecież wypada. To jest problem, jak Polak nie wygrywa to nie oglądamy, ale jak już zacznie zajmować chociaż 4 miejsce to na wszelki wypadek zacznijmy o nim mówić żeby podnieść fanów wszelkiego sportu na duchu, że Polak potrafi. Nie mówię, że należy kibicować tylko tym co wygrywają, ale nie róbmy z Kubicy takiego bohatera, którym nie jest. Na razie jedyny ciekawy news, który praktycznie już się robi nużący to ten, że znów mu się bolid popsuł. I tyle. Cheers.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Battlestar Galactica

I love science – fiction. I love „Star Wars”, I’ve seen „Star Trek”, I think “Blade Runner” is one of the best cyberpunk movies ever, not to mention how many times I’ve watched “Terminator”.
And in all this I found it. My Eldorado, something that beat everything I saw, messed up with my life, changed my view. Battlestar Galactica.
Long time ago, when I wasn’t in the world a TV show was created about people from different planets, evil Cylons who tried to destroy them and searching Earth. Nothing special but it turned out to be a good show, with cheesy effects but at that time they seemed pretty good. The show lasted till 1980 and it was finally finished.
23 years later, a very clever and smart guy Ronald D. Moore thought that it would be a good idea to make “Battlestar Galactica” back to life. He wrote a new screenplay, decided that Cylons won’t be just rebelled robots that turned against people, but some models will look like us (but not like Ahnuld from Terminator), the show will be a darker, 300% of all the money will be given on effects, so George Lucas will be shocked.
The plot is easy. Man created Cylons to work, protect us and many different stuff. But as it always is with the A.I., Cylons finally understood that something is wrong and they rebelled. 12 Colonies had to protect against the attack. Huge battlestars were build to protect, many people fought to defeat the Cylons, many of them died.
After many years of war, both the Cylons and people decided to end it. Cylons moved to some different part of outerspace to find a place to live. After 40 years Cylons attacked again but this time they did it very smart. They got an access to the main defence servers and turned it out. After that they nuked the 12 colonies. Those who survived escaped on space ships but in space the battle also was in progress. From all battlestars only one survived. Galactica.
From now on people will escape from one place to another searching for Earth where in old time the 13th colony left as it is written in sacred scrolls.
Miniseries, a 3 hour movie was first shown in 2003. After 2 years on 2005 the first season was shown on Sci-Fi Channel. To this year 3 seasons were shown and the 4th one is suppose to be aired in January 2008.
I’ve heard something about the show but I wasn’t convinced and one day I thought “Let’s give it a chance”. I downloaded miniseries, turned it on and…BOOM!!! 5 minutes later I was in love. I was sitting and watching as if I saw a space movie for the first time. I decided that if Cylons are suppose to look like Number 6 I want one :).
Special effects are awesome, they beat a lot of sci-fi movies with huge budgets. And the music itself is a masterpiece.
All characters are very well created. They evolve throughout the show. Sometimes you just don’t know if you shouldn’t be on the Cylons’ side. Each of the character has a uniqe personality, and actors play just great.
Producers decided to take actors practically unknown, except maybe Edward James Olmos and Lucy Lawless and thanks to that when watching you see characters not actors.
If you want some great space entertainment, with a plot and good character, watch “Battlestar Galactica”. Cheers.

Watch the movie I made :]

And see the differences between the new and old version.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Pics of the Week

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Go figure :)

What is wrong with this picture?

Pic of the week

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thoughts About My Blog

I've been thinking recently how to change my blog for better (and some changes you can see already) and what to write about in the near future. If you have some ideas let me know. I hope you like the new look and all but I guess that from sometime I can't think of a good topic to write about :(.
Maybe I should take a break or something... Or maybe it's time to end it... i don't know. Gotta think about it. Cheers

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Brooke Fraser - Shadowfeet

I don't believe in Jesus as much as I probably should but this song is really cheering me up. I mean I'd rather reffer it to God (Jahwe), than this song is even better :). Nevertheless, without reffering to anything it's just a great song :). And those people are beautiful although some of them might look ugly :). Cheers

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pic of the week

My new job

I have a new job and no I'm not a crane operator...yet :). I work in a grocery shop which is not a great job but sometimes interesting. OK just kidding it's boring and all I sell is beer to some drunk guys :/. But at least I don't have to get up at 5 in the morning and I don't come back at 24:00. It's cool 'cause if I start for example at 10 I leave home 9:45 :). Fortunatelly it's close to me. I don't know how long will I be there 'cause my bro found me another job, maybe less interesting but I will earn more. :). Cheers.

P.S. I'm still thinking of being a crane operator :P.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Some other Youtube links :)

French and Saunders Kill Bill Parody

Mad TV - Lesbians

Mad TV - Lowered Expectations (Bjork)

Chicks On Speed - We Don't Play Guitars

Kabaret Mumio - Mucha

Have fun :). Cheers.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Nephew :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

They apparently do evolve :P

Sarah McLachlan - Surfacing

MP3 format:

1. Building A Mystery
2. I Love You
3. Sweet Surrender
4. Adia
5. Do What You Have To Do
6. Witness
7. Angel
8. Black & White

Sarah McLachlan - Surfacing [RS]
Sarah McLachlan - Surfacing [ED]

Sarah McLachlan - Solace

MP3 format.

Track Listing :
1. Drawn To The Rhythm
2. Into The Fire
3. The Path Of Thorns (Terms)
4. I Will Not Forget You
5. Lost
6. Back Door Man
7. Shelter
8. Black
9. Home
10. Mercy
11. Wear Your Love Like Heaven

Sarah McLachlan - Solace [RS]
Sarah McLachlan - Solace [ED]