V for Vendetta
I have finally seen "V for Vendetta". Hmmm don't know what 2 think 'bout it. For sure comic book was better, more complex and dark but still it's a good movie. From 1-6 i'll give it 4. Hugo Weaving can kill you with his voice. He's like Alan Rickman. Two guys that can play with voice. Natalie Portman?? Hmmm I'm not objective but she was perfect (as usual). Still like her more with hair than without :). The movie itself has a lot of action and the scene with blowing the Parliament up is incredible. Really worth seeing.
Have to see IT!!!
stop talking about portman....everybody knows that you are the biggest fan.... :P
smoke u Fidel I can't help I luv NP. She's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool :P
I haven't seen it yet but when it comes to 'V for Vendetta' I've got something for YOU! =)
what is it?? what is it?? i wanna know!!! :) NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Film zaiste warty zobaczenia, Natlie zagrała dobrze, poprawnie, ale nie żeby zachwycająco... Co do głosu zgodzę się. Z drugiej strony zawsze w takich filmach chce zobaczyć twarz i nie...Trochę dziwne, ale tak jest. Niestety nadal nie ma obrazu, który w perfekcyjny sposób osiągnąłby mistrzowstwo w stworzeniu nastroju wyalienowania jednostek, nie jednej jednostki ale jedostek w państwie. Coś takiego miało miejsce po troszę w "Nineteen Eighty-Four" z oczywiście 1984 roku. Tu z kolei rolę Winstona Smitha zagrał John Hurt, nie kto inny niż kanclerz Adam Sutler w "V jak Vendetta". Czyli Wachowscy chcieli przez to powiedieć, wiecie co...
Well, to tell the truth I had much more fun reading the comic but I looooooooove NP so I'm not too objective :). England wins...
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