Letter Love
I've been watching "The Lake House" recently and I started to think is it possible to fell in love thru letters? Not knowing the person in real life, how he/she looks like... Do you think it's possible? Because I don't, but I may be wrong. Let me know what you think of it. Cheers.
you can get fascinated through exchange of thoughts and ideas whether by letters or internet chat
Hi, I haven't seen the movie, but the topic is interesting. :)
Letters ONLY are tough I guess - can you fall in love without knowing the way somebody looks at you, the way they speak, and move... But letters (and the written word in general) do have some special power that may help in a relationship. There are things we do not have guts to tell somebody in the face, but we feel more comfortable putting them on "paper". I don't mean BAD things here - this is obvious. What I mean is GOOD, very good things we may feel too shy to name f2f. So I think letters help people say really important things to each other and give their relationships good foundations.
Yes, I also think letters can help a lot sometimes and it's far more easier to tell sth to smb. But what about chats? Is it possible to fell in love with somebody we talked only trhu Internet?
Karmen, the word is fascination. love is sth thats is built throught time you spend with sb, and I seriously dobt a few weeks of chatting would do the job. seriosly, mate. so don't go overexited. exitment - yes, overexictment - no. but I know that's hard not too be overexited, 'cause I'm experiencing this mysef at the moment.
i also think that love needs more than chating. My friend said that you can fall in love with someone met on a chat but platonic. And I agree with her. It's easy to talk thru cables but when you meet in real will you be able to say everything f2f???
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