Konie, foki, inne zwierzęta

Monday, February 05, 2007


A few days ago I found an interesting site called "Odwaga". It's a site where I found out that I actually can be cured from my homosexuality... o.k. enough laughing let's be serious.
"Odwaga" is a place in Lublin helping gay people to come out of their homosexuality. They provide help for everybody who needs it. Not only spiritual but also therapy meetings. I'm not saying that some people don't want to be "cured" but when I read that I wasn't born like that but for sure I have problems with my dad or I was sexualy abused or my mom didn't love me and now I'm looking a mother in my partner or... many many more. the thing is I know my parents love although they don't tell me that everyday. i know that their actions show his and it's ok. I wasn't sexualy abused, so why some people think that for sure something is wrong with me?
The truth is that I wasn't even that scared when I realize I was gay. Finally it was something like "great, now I know what's going on". I told my friends because I trust them. Did I tell my parents? No. But the problem is that they have enough trouble with and I know they wouldn't understand. Maybe someday I'll tell them but not now. I mean they know I agree with some of the Polish gays demands, that I watch "L Word" (great lesbian show) and Natalie Portman is even better for me than Richard Gere (my mom loves him) :). But they don't read it like that at all!
Coming back to "Odwaga". They say on their website that I must be close to God and try to live in purity... What? I'm not saying I'm very close to God, but I'm close. I don't go every week to church because I don't like it. But I go to FRAMA (Frańciszkański Ruch Apostolski Młodzieży Alternatywnej). Thanks to that I've learned a lot about my religion. Of course I didn't go there and say "Hey, I'm Karmen and I'm gay". I told only one person, whose a monk. And what I realized? Not only he didn't rejected me but said that if it's nothing from the past than it's ok :).
I'm not saying that this "Odwaga" tells me I must change, but when I read some of their theories it makes me laugh as well as ashamed. To them it's nothing wrong that I'm gay but when I sleep with somebody or I think of doing it I commit a sin. It's good that they don't tell me that electro shots are a very good way of curing me (what was very popular in the 80s and 90s) :).
I must say that it was the only site that didn't make me angry but rather amused. They're trying their best and as I said some people might find them helpful. But isn't it just lying to yourself? Everyone have a need to love and be loved. if it's a hetero or homosexual relation should be nobody's matter. Cheers.

P.S. If you wanna learn more visit http://www.odwaga.oaza.org.pl/ :).
P.S.2. Sorry for such a chaotic post but I hope you got used to it :D. Cheers.


Anonymous said...

Ok. przeczytałem tylko początek... ale to wystarczyło. Ile możesz pisać o sobie i o swoim lesbijstwie??? To się robi po prostu nudne... Są ciekawsze rzeczy na świecie. Wiem że to twój blog i możesz pisać co chcesz, ale bez przesady...

Missing in action said...

no właśnie to mój blog, nie chcesz nie czytaj, ja nikogo nie zmuszam.